
Friday, June 22, 2012

Dua-e-Hazeen - Dua for forgiveness of sins

In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah bless Muhammad and his family
I whisper unto You O One Who is present in every place so that You may hear my call for surely my sin is excessive and my shame is less My Master,
O my Master which of the terrifying states shall I remember and which of them shall I forget for if there was nothing except death it would be enough then what about after death greater and much worse?
My master O my Master up to when and till when will I say, I am to blame, again and again, but then You do not find any truth or loyalty in me? I call for help and I call for help,
O Allah from desires which have overpowered me and from the enemy which has pounced on me and from the world which attracts me and from the soul that leads towards evil except that on which my Lord has mercy (12:53)
My master O my master if You have had mercy on the likes of me then have mercy on me and if You have accepted from the likes of me then accept from me
O One Who accepts the early morning prayer accept me,
O One who, I still know only good from Him
O One who nourishes me with blessings morning and evening have mercy on me when I come to You alone, my glance fixed on You my actions carried on my neck When all of creation will withdraw away from me yes, even my father and mother and those for whom I worked and struggled then if You will not have mercy on me who will have mercy on me who will give me solace from the loneliness of the grave and who will make me speak when I am alone with my deeds and when You will ask me about what You know better than me?
Then if I say yes (to my sins) where will be the escape from Your Justice? And if I say I did not commit it You will say was I not a witness over you?
So (I beseech) Your Forgiveness Your Pardon
O my master before the wearing of the clothes of Hell Your Forgiveness Your Pardon
O my Master before the Hell and the Fire Your Forgiveness Your Forgiveness O my Master before the hands are tied to the necks
O the most Merciful and the best of Forgivers

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Ayataul Qursi
Glorified and Exalted is He.
Al Baqarah II: verse 255

Ayataul Qursi <br>Glorified and Exalted is He. <br>Al Baqarah II: verse 255
Allah, tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia, Yang Tetap hidup, Yang Kekal selama-lamanya mentadbirkan (sekalian makhlukNya). Yang tidak mengantuk usahkan tidur. Yang memiliki segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi. Tiada sesiapa yang dapat memberi syafaat (pertolongan) di sisiNya melainkan dengan izinNya. yang mengetahui apa yang ada di hadapan mereka dan apa yang ada di belakang mereka, sedang mereka tidak mengetahui sesuatu pun dari (kandungan) ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang Allah kehendaki (memberitahu kepadanya). Luasnya Kursi Allah (ilmuNya dan kekuasaanNya) meliputi langit dan bumi; dan tiadalah menjadi keberatan kepada Allah menjaga serta memelihara keduanya. Dan Dia lah Yang Maha Tinggi (darjat kemuliaanNya), lagi Maha Besar (kekuasaanNya)

Infallible Wisdom

The Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:

"Allah rejoices at the repentance of His servant more than the barren rejoices for having a child, and more than the lost one who finds his way, and more than the thirsty one who finds water."

(Kunzul Ummal)
